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The Greatest Faith

Sunset Water

There can be no greater faith than the faith you have in yourself. For you are your lord, your own creator, the creator of your own destiny,creator of your personal heaven and hell. Your accomplishments and demise are of your own doing. Your internal strength and will will never diminish. At times this may be hard to understand, but know that strength exists and know you will always prosper. For you are a soul comprised of great source energy full of grace and might.

These are the universal lessons that must be understood to prevail and ascend to great heights. You are a universal warrior who will understand the struggles that have been placed upon you in due time.

Your path is like no other so please do not waste time in comparing accomplishments and what you perceive as downfalls. You are exactly where you are suppose to be. Have no fear for you will prevail.

The universe and all it’s energies are on your side now and always. Great things are on the horizon.

Universal love & light now and always

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