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The Dawn of a New Day

Dawn of a New Day

Today is the dawn of not only a new day it is the dawn of a new chapter in a new book of your soul journey. Now is a time of great transformation and spiritual evolution. Your journey of self discovery is ever changing. At times it may seem dark, but understand the void is needed to gain clarity. It’s in these times that self reflection is a necessity. This is the stillness that is needed to change perspective. Much like the vanishing point of a masterful work of art, as the perspective changes that which does not serve a purpose fades away. As your perspective changes you too must allow that which does not serve a purpose to fade away. Now is the time to apply new found clarity to manifest all that is desired. Utilize the universal lessons obtained through life’s obstacles to follow your passion. You are the only obstacle standing in your way. Do not allow self-doubt to prevent you from sculpting the life you want and deserve.


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