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The Walk of the Righteous

The Walk of The Righteous

Before one can spiritually mature one must undergo a dramatic personal shift. For some this may rock the very core of their individual identity. The path one seeks, raising their vibration, and changing their perspective is not an instantaneous process. One must correct themselves repairing what is needed.

As one grows the lessons obtained must be passed onto those in need. Only then can one truly obtain personal and spiritual oneness:This is “The Walk of the Righteous”. A slow but steady moral progression. Personal and spiritual awareness is not obtained at once, but in a measured fashion. This awareness is unique and specific to the individual on the path of self-discovery. For One’s perspective is directly proportionate to their spiritual capacity.

There are two phases to spiritual growth The first phase is to perfect oneself aligning with the spiritual state that is appropriate for the individual. Perfecting oneself in accordance with Universal Laws and Principles should be the ultimate goal. One should aspire to walk a path beyond what they feel is a limit for their individual growth.

The second phase is to awaken others by supporting and encouraging them to walk their walk. This is the path that leads to true enlightenment. One will never achieve enlightenment without a shift in perspective modifying and correcting that which does not serve a higher purpose.

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